Touch The Screen To Fly Yourself | Asmodus Minikin V2 Mod 180W

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Touch The Screen To Fly Yourself | Asmodus Minikin V2 Mod 180W

Raksts vapesourcing » 26 Okt 2019, 08:21

Hey guys. Have you ever used the Minikin touch screen mod by Asmodus? Today we'll first look at the upgraded version to it---Asmodus Minikin V2 Kodama. Just check out the vapesourcing online store if you like it.

Asmodus Minikin V2 Mod features a redesigned body that is exceptionally comfortable to hold in hand. Powered by dual 18650 batteries and equipped with the intelligent GX-180-HT chipset, the mod can fire from 5 to 180W and supports a plethora of working modes including PWR mode, TCR mode (Ni200, SS316, SS317, and Ti) and TFR mode. But the most notable feature of the Minikin V2 is the capacitive touchscreen.
A large, centrally-positioned chrome firing button does the essentials, and the menu interface is easily navigable through the touchscreen interface. The Asmodus Minikin 2 utilizes newly updated firmware which displays the following information on this LED screen: individual battery charge, the resistance of the atomizers, volts being used to fire at desired wattage, a puff counter, the duration of the fire, and which mode you are in. Anyway, the Minikin V2 has set an excellent example for touch screen mods.

Where to buy:

Battery: 2 x 18650 (not included)
Chip: GX-180-HT
Touch screen type: 1 Inch Capacitive screen
Wattage range (VW): 5 - 180W
Wattage range (TC Mode): 5 - 120W
Temperature control range: 212° - 572°F / 100°C - 300°C
Atomizer ohm range: 0.1 - 2.5ohm
Max output voltage: 7.5V
Work Efficiency: 95%
Peek output current: 45A
Charging parameters: DC 5V/1A
Port: MicroUSB

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