Special Deal of the Year-OBS Crius RTA $28.90 in Stock

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Special Deal of the Year-OBS Crius RTA $28.90 in Stock

Raksts kayredu » 08 Dec 2015, 11:23

In early December the OBS Crius RTA is what we selected as the special of the year. Now it’s only US$28.90, which is US$10 less than usual.
We provide traceable shipping, next day or same day delivery.
For bulk orders and extra good rate, please email us to info@ave40.com


What you get in one pack:
1 x OBS Crius RTA Tank
1 x Glass Tube
1 x Organic cotton
1 x Screw Driver
4 x Screw
1 x Wire
1 x Silicone Ring

Designed with rebuilders in mind, the OBS Crius RTA offers the same massive vapor production with, if not better than, a dripper. Juice flow control, side filling, airflow control, glass drip tip, and many things more for you to discover the next-gen vaping experience with the OBS Crius RTA, now available at a bottom price US$ 28.9!

Read our OBS Crius RTA review article and know why our customers like it so much.

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