You deserved it! SMOANT BATTLESTAR RDA 4 Colors

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Pievienojies: 06 Apr 2017, 09:31
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You deserved it! SMOANT BATTLESTAR RDA 4 Colors

Raksts ave40 » 20 Apr 2017, 06:48

Worth to check!


SMOANT BATTLESTAR RDA is a premium RDA device that features superb Airflow control, changeable drip tip as well as Gold Plated 510 pin.
It comes with 4 color- Purple,Brass, Black and Stainless Steel. It is a must-have for both starters and seasoned vapers.

Available colors are: Purple, Black, Sliver, Golden.


Product Features & Spec:
Color: Purple/Brass /Black/SS
Changeable drip tip
Superb Airflow control
Gold plated 510 pin

Product Package:
1 x battlestar RDA
1 x Screw driver
4 x Screws
2 x Silicone o-rings

BTW, which color you like most? i prefer the purple one, it is really a nice RDA with competitive price and good market!
If you interested in it, do not forget drop us a email on:, waiting for you to join our wholesale program.

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