Hurry to check Envii Terra 300W RTA Tank!

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Hurry to check Envii Terra 300W RTA Tank!

Raksts ave40 » 19 Apr 2017, 12:21

Hey friends,

Here to bring this Envii Terra 300W RTA Tank, which is a fantastic tank from the company Envii.
This tank features an octo-coil design rated for over 300W power out, a top-fill design, a juice reservoir with maximum capacity up to 5mL, a bottom adjustable airflow for constant Cloudage hits.


Product Features & Spec:

25mm diameter
Top Fill
5mL Juice Well/Tank
Up to 8 Pre-Built Coils
Made of 304 SS and Pyrex
Adjustable Bottom Airflow
Rated for over 300 Watts

Check details here>>
Presonally, i like it's finely processed and stylish design, if you are interested in this Envii Terra 300W RTA Tank too,
do not forget to drop us a email:, appreciate you would join our wholesale program!

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